Sunday, June 12, 2011

The Virgin Post

Many long years ago, I think dinosaurs still roamed the earth, my high school sweetie and I married. The word single didn';t exist in our safe snug world. We made a plan to ride off into the sunset at the end of our days. A Hollywood ending to our lives.

He died suddenly and there I stood, his cooling hand in mine, double no more. And I didn't know how to put one foot in front of the other without him.

As a single person, I had to reconstruct myself. A painful time. So now I'm reaching out to men and women who have taken a journey--some by choice or fate, or forced upon.

And I ask you. . .can we talk?


  1. Sometimes, it is really hard to pick yourself up and move forward. I'm glad that you had that something inside of you that wouldn't let you give up.

  2. Thanks for stopping by, Angela. At the time, it was sink or swim. I chose swim.

  3. Hi Charmaine :-) Thanks for stopping at my blog and leaving a comment. I am so sorry for your loss. And so glad to see you going forward. It has been a while since you posted here. If you have another blog--please visit and leave the link on my site :-) I'm not sure if you will see this comment here :-)

  4. Good luck getting everything back on track. I'm quite dependent on my husband, so I bet it is hard to lose the one you depend on. (((Hugs))) Thanks for stopping by.

  5. Hi Joyce, I don't use this blogsite anymore but I certainly appreciate you stopping by. Please come over to
    Thanks, Charmaine

  6. This is an unusual love story so bear with me. One early Sunday morning, my daughter called to say we were driving to the end of long Island to rescue a needy Pit Bull. I'm a mom who never says no so off we went, me with a map, grand daughter and Gracie, another rescue dog, in tow. A few hours later we arrived to meet the pup. Daughter spent a couple of hours learning what to do with this sadd pooch and we began a long trip home. Grandest sang to Tommy, new name, all the way home, to soothe his frantic heart. At last, they fropped me home to put myself together on a Sunday afternoon, husband waiting for me.
    Here's the sweetest part. Daughter requested that I take care of new pooch one Saturday night. Again, I never said no. I fed the dogs, and eventually led Tommy into his cage. He kissed me a million time before being locked up.Whimpered a bit and I knew we would be the closest of pals forever. Now he is a feww years older and so am I. Whenever he sees me, he gently comes to me with loving kisses to let me know all is just fine.
    Now there's a love story. Canines can get you right under your skin forever.

  7. Wow Charmaine this is a very humbling post. I can't even imagine what you must have had to go through. It puts so much of life into perspective. Thanks for sharing.
